Tuesday 26 July 2016

The Library

In conjunction with the Library Month in our school, we were asked to write an acrostic poem with the words, The Library. Here is mine:

T = Theories and stories everywhere.
H = Hiding in the shelves that are neatly arranged.
E =  Easy to find, easy to explore.

L = Land for books.
I = Imagination, Inspiration, Innovation.
B = Building our knowledge.
R = Road to adventures.
A = Allowing our mind to wonder around.
R = Resting our mood
Y = Yesterday was stressful, today is peaceful.                              

Serena Suresh 
7 Gentleness

Monday 25 July 2016

To my dearest friend

Dear friend, I miss you. I haven't seen you in such a long time, I'd almost forgotten of your entire existence. Even now, my memory is... failing. I can barely even remember what you look like anymore, and the image is fading fast.

Dear friend, I'm sorry I never appreciated what you did for me. Only now, when I have to do all the things you did for me all by myself, I realise that it wasn't easy doing all of that. I used to scream at you for not doing things the way I wanted. I was a spoiled, selfish child.

Dear friend, is this what loneliness feels like? You would always talk about your family with such joy shining in your eyes, I know, you love them oh so dearly. You were separated from them, weren't you? I always thought you were just being sappy and emotional, but now, when my own family is so busy they barely have enough time to spend with me, I know you were just so lonely. I know how it feels now, thinking that they won't love you, thinking that the world has abandoned you.

Dear friend, forgive me for being so cruel. You came from Indonesia, and this country was a strange and foreign place to you. Even so, I would laugh at you for not knowing everything about Malaysian historical figures and landmarks.

Dear friend, you really love your family, don't you? That was why you wanted to stay in Indonesia. I used to resent you for not coming back, but now, I know you missed much of your family's life. I don't blame you for wanting to leave.

Dear friend, I'm so sorry. When I found out why you weren't coming back, I was upset. I felt so guilty, I even tried writing an apology letter on a paper airplane in hopes that it will reach you. I just wish I could have made your last moments the best moments of your life here.

Dear friend, thank you. You were such a kind and loving person. You took such good care of me, and you tolerated me when I was complaining about everything.

Dear friend, I wonder... Is it nice up there in heaven?

- Chan Yi Ying, Year 8 student

Thursday 21 July 2016




M- magnificent girl with a very cute smile

A- acknowledge her teacher

T- teeth which are very shiny

I- Introduces  herself

L- Loves everyone

D- Day goes by

A- Always appreciate her family, friends and people.

By: Joel Lim

Class : 5 Patience
A-A pair of black eyes that she has
T-Triangle has three sides

T-Thanks for helping another person
H-Has a friendly heart
E-Elephant is a large animal

M-Mouse likes to eat cheese
A-Always sleep early
R-Respect teachers,others and friends
K-Kind is an important attitude
E-Eat with good manners
T-Try to be helpful

By: Joey
Class : Year 5 Patience

Finding Nemo (poem)

Finding Nemo

F= Find the fish that you like to eat
I=It's body is made by God
N= Never miss the fish when you meet it
D= Do not kill the fish
I= I't will cry with tears drops
N= Need to care with it
G= Go ahead to accompany  the fish that you like.

N= Need to find a family for it
E= Every time you must feed breakfast, lunch and dinner fore it
M=More food to it, it can't finish the food
O=Orange color, is the colour of his body.

Thank You .

By :Pang Hui Yin
Class : 5 Patience

Hamlet, my poem

Hamlet, a gentle prince,
The prince of Denmark,
By the window of his room,
There would be a singing lark.
On every twelfth night of summer,
There would be a midsummer night's dream,
All's well that ends well,
Where stars of the night gleam.
Every now and then,
The tempest strikes us down,
Much ado about nothing,
That's how King Lear broke his crown.

The Three Musketeers

                                 The Three Musketeers travel all around the world.
                                 Walking into shops where weapons are sold.
                                 Anybody they try to take down.
                                 They go to the person's hometown.
                                 The Three Musketeers will always be together.
                                 Even if they're in danger.
                                 The Three Musketeers eats different types of food.
                                 To avoid getting caught they cover their faces with a hood.

By: Kevin Hoe Hean Yi
Year 6 Kindness

Sunday 10 July 2016

My favourite superhero

Hi, l will be talking about my favourite superhero which is the Ant- Man. I like him because he is very funny , do funny jokes and others. In the movie, his mission is try to stop the yellow jacket from causing trouble. The sad part is where Ant-thony(ant man pet) died because he got shot by the bad guy. If I will see Ant-Man, I want to be his sidekick. I will also steal his suit.

     By-Malcolm- Year 6

Friday 8 July 2016

CI 2016!!

Wow!! I can't believe that I'm here in CI (Children Institute) for 3 weeks, time flies so fast. So let me tell my experience to all of you and what I've learn so far in this trip.

1st week - Malaysia
On Monday morning, I woke up and I was prepared to go, because I was happy to meet my friends again after so long. Then, I met with my roommate, she's nice, I talked to her when we feel bored and it's great being with her for 1 week. We went to a place to have introduction, assigning teams and prep time. For this whole 3 weeks, I became an assistant leader, but I love my leader (Marietta), because she's nice, friendly, out-going, brings joy to the kids, Godly lady and pretty. She's my best leader I've ever have in this trip. When evening comes, I was nervous and excited, because I'm going to teach quite a lot of kids for this 3 weeks. We were in Team 1 and we had 7 kids. I love them, because they bring happiness to the team and they're cute, but I miss them so much. On Thursday afternoon, we had our Y2Y (youth2youth) quite a lot of young people came and we sing worship songs, played games, sharing and small group discussion. Then, on Friday, its our... outing day (yay!!) we took the MRT to KL and a few of the other youths came to join us as well. We went to Central Market to buy some stuff (I bought shoes) and some people went to try the fish massage (they literally screamed). My friends and I went to watch a 6D roller coaster, it was fun and everyone in the room screamed. After few hours, we went to Chinatown and spend our time walking or window shopping, but a few people bought stuff there. It's Saturday (our tiring day), we teach the kids for half day, but it was suppose to be a whole day training, but someone change it to half day. Finally, it's my last day to teach the kids here (sad:( ) and we presented songs and verses to the parents. After a long week for me, it was time to pack our stuff for Singapore. It was a wonderful week and I feel excited for the next 2 weeks.

2nd week - Singapore
Oh my goodness!! It's our 2nd week of the trip already... We safely reach Singapore and manage to pass through the immigration, which I don't like it. After quite long, we reach our hotel, which is an old hotel and the lift can only fit 5 people, but the stairs looks so much like hospital design. While waiting for the others to arrive, one of the staff split us to our rooms and I got to sleep where there's 4 people in one room. Few hours later, we took the double-decker bus almost every day (nice, right?) to the church (Singapore Baptist Church) to prepare our stuff for the lesson at night. I'm in Team 2 with my leader (Jason) and assistant (Mary-Jane and me), 3 teachers in 1 team (how cool is that!). Night came, we had 4 children in our team and they're awesome. There are less than 30 children in s'pore. During the Y2Y, there's only 3 young people came to join us, but it was still fun though. On our outing day, we went to Bugis, I think it's where Universal Studio is, then we went to Chinatown to buy things and KOI (yay!! It's like Chatime). In Bugis, we got wet, which was fun, because it's heavy rain...What a fun day, we went back to have a nice hot shower and prepared for the next day. It's Saturday, we had a fun, yet tiring day, because I taught a lesson which I've never taught since I had my first lesson. In the end, everything was great and smooth, we took pictures with our 4 little cute kids and said goodbye. At night, we had a... Pajama party!! :) we share about ourselves, a few girls comment on us and we've to answer this question, "If you had a million dollars, what will you do about it?" We had a wonderful time sharing with each of the other girls. After that, we went to said goodbye to one of our teachers, because he needs to go back to work in the States. What an awesome and tiring week for us in Singapore, it's time for our... final week of CI Trip 2016. :(

3rd week/final week - Indonesia
What a smooth flight we had! I'm the first batch, so some of us had to wait for the others to arrive in the evening. It's been a great time to see my other Indonesian family and friends again. They split us into 4 teams to stay in different host homes. After we reach the house, all of us had a great time fellowshipping with each other. Our host's are very friendly and kind, they sometimes bought food for us for breakfast and supper. The next day, the drivers fetch us to the office, split us into teams with the translators and prep time. Everybody stayed there until 3+, and the all the drivers in the different host homes came to fetch all of us to the church. I am in Team 4 with my leader (Adlai) and translator (Joshua) and we had a wonderful time working together for 1 week with 8 kids, but... I got sick in the middle of the week until the end of CI :( But I still manage to teach for 2 times  and thanks to my friends and aunties who took care of me, during the whole day of CI on Friday. I took a 1 hour nap in the church office and I feel a little better. Well... everything was awesome on the last day of CI and it was time to say goodbye, but...we still can see each other again. The next 3 days is so fun, we stayed in a villa somewhere in the mountain and it is cooling in the morning and night. 1st night - telephone charade, get to sleep late and food was awesome. 2nd day - treasure hunt with a twist, soaking wet at night, all of us throw water balloons and shoot water guns to each other. Everybody literally got super wet like we just came back from the swimming pool. The fun ended around 9-10 pm and while we were waiting for others to bath, me and some of my friends went to the pool to wait. We stayed up around 2-3 am, talking with the others and playing games. On our 2nd last day, we visited a cultural building and went to eat dinner in a food court. Some of my friends went to the arcade to dance and we had a fun time laughing. Then, we said farewell to all our Indonesian family and friends and now we're back to Malaysia. It's time to end my experiences now... See you later CI!!

We learn a few songs during the 3 weeks, so here it is
- Giving All Around (in Malaysia)
- The Light of the World
- When Jesus Came (in Malaysia)
- The Commandment song
- The Hat song

We memorize Isaiah 12 for 3 weeks... Wow!!

Skits we acted
- Ping
- Willy
   Gray Island
- Shorty
  Breathing competition
- Gallant
  Shuan the sheep
- Alligator story

Thank God that I went to this trip for 3 weeks, it has changed me of how I should depend on God daily and learn His Word. I've learnt lots of character trait: Tolerance, Persuasiveness, Self-Control, Sensitivity and Thoroughness. I also learn who Jesus is: I am the Bread of Life, I am the Light of the World, I am the Door, I am the Good Shepherd, I am The Resurrection of Life, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, I am the True Vine. Thanks to my parents who send me to this trip, I met a lot of awesome people and most of all... a wonderful time.

Teachers and Staff team and a happy pyramid!! P.S. Try to find me :P

With the translators

Elise (Y9)

Monday 4 July 2016


     Joel LIm

Thank you for everything you have done.  I wish you a blessed birthday, Teacher Sumathi

    Hui Yin

Dear Teacher Sumathi , thank you for being  class teacher of  year  5 and 6   . I'm so glad that you are a good  teacher in the subjects that you are teaching . You are teaching year 5 Bahasa Malaysia and Science and I enjoy your class . Thank you for taking care of us like your own children. Kamsahamita






 Thank you teacher sumathi for taking  care of us during examination time and everywhere we are in school with you  . And I like your class in subjects that you’re teaching us . I'm so sorry that I was absent for our class 5 patience small celebration for your birthday  . But although I heard hui yin said that you liked the pressent that we gave you . Once I heard this good news I felt so happy .I wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY .