Monday 25 July 2016

To my dearest friend

Dear friend, I miss you. I haven't seen you in such a long time, I'd almost forgotten of your entire existence. Even now, my memory is... failing. I can barely even remember what you look like anymore, and the image is fading fast.

Dear friend, I'm sorry I never appreciated what you did for me. Only now, when I have to do all the things you did for me all by myself, I realise that it wasn't easy doing all of that. I used to scream at you for not doing things the way I wanted. I was a spoiled, selfish child.

Dear friend, is this what loneliness feels like? You would always talk about your family with such joy shining in your eyes, I know, you love them oh so dearly. You were separated from them, weren't you? I always thought you were just being sappy and emotional, but now, when my own family is so busy they barely have enough time to spend with me, I know you were just so lonely. I know how it feels now, thinking that they won't love you, thinking that the world has abandoned you.

Dear friend, forgive me for being so cruel. You came from Indonesia, and this country was a strange and foreign place to you. Even so, I would laugh at you for not knowing everything about Malaysian historical figures and landmarks.

Dear friend, you really love your family, don't you? That was why you wanted to stay in Indonesia. I used to resent you for not coming back, but now, I know you missed much of your family's life. I don't blame you for wanting to leave.

Dear friend, I'm so sorry. When I found out why you weren't coming back, I was upset. I felt so guilty, I even tried writing an apology letter on a paper airplane in hopes that it will reach you. I just wish I could have made your last moments the best moments of your life here.

Dear friend, thank you. You were such a kind and loving person. You took such good care of me, and you tolerated me when I was complaining about everything.

Dear friend, I wonder... Is it nice up there in heaven?

- Chan Yi Ying, Year 8 student

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