Monday 30 May 2016

Hard Work Always Pays Off



                  It was three months before the exam I realized I was running out of time. The exams were nearing and I could feel the stress building up in me. As usual, I would always catch up with the homework I had which was a lot. I remember I would always come home from all the extra classes and tuitions I went for feeling exhausted. It all starts from Monday. I would have my Bahasa Malaysia tuition from 3pm to 6pm and then on Tuesdays I would have extra classes for the main subjects from 2pm to 4pm. On Thursdays I would have my maths and science tuition from 5pm to 8pm. The only days I would be free were Wednesdays and Fridays. But free days didn't mean fun days. When I was free, I would find myself either completing my homework or doing revision. It was tiring but I knew that in order to get something good, I have to sacrifice something better. And that was my time and energy.

                   Sometimes I would be very stressed out and would think of giving up. But throughout this whole process and until now, I live by one very important motto my class teacher in my previous school thought me. Eat well, sleep well, study hard and pray. She said praying is the only power that can help calm you down. I went by that motto and every now and then, I would pray, just to clear my mind and calm myself down because I know, God has got my back. God will help me through my hard times and always guide me to the right path.

                     Eventually the exams came. Everyone was anxious and nervous. We all did and definitely tried our best.The support my family and friends gave me was heart-warming and kind. At that point I knew, no matter what I get, I did my best and worked hard. Of course, after the exam ended we all partied like there was no tomorrow and we were so happy because we got through the exam. But we were a little nervous for our results which was just a month away. On results day everyone was nervous. We actually couldn't wait to get our results as this would mean UPSR is officially over. Soon, they started calling out the names of the students who got straight As (5 As) and I felt the tension in me rising. Alphabet by alphabet and then it came to S. It was scary. Suddenly, I heard my name being called. Happiness was overloaded and I couldn't contain my excitement. You probably would know how I would feel. It was like winning a challenge I thought I could never win.

                      Reporters from the media came to interview the students in my school. I saw my mom walking into the school hallway and ran to her and hugged her tightly. I could see her smiling from ear to ear. At that moment, I knew I made my family proud of me. The school year had come to an end and graduation was on its way. It was sad to leave my old friends and my school because memories were made there with them. It was especially sad to leave my class teacher and my Bahasa Malaysia teacher as they were both my favourite teachers. I hope I can meet them soon.

Hope you enjoyed this post, till we meet again in my next post :)

Serena Suresh
Year 7 Gentlesness

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