Monday 30 May 2016

My Hometown



                  When it comes to the holidays, my mother and I always plan to go back to our hometown. It is one of the places where we can relax and have a short break from our busy schedules. My hometown is located in Tapah, Perak. We always go back to my Great-aunt's house. To me, it is a fun place as I enjoy my time there very much. On Saturday, my uncle (great-aunt's son) decided that we go back to our hometown together. Although I was ill, I still felt happy and was eager to go.

               My great-aunt's house had a very slow wifi connection. I didn't take that as a problem as I decided to turn off my mobile phone. I'm not gonna lie, I did use my mobile phone, but I made sure I used it wisely. I wanted to spend as much time as i could with my great-aunt as she had a list of stories to tell our whole family. Surprisingly, my fever, cough and flu got much better when I was there.

               We saw many durian stalls as it is the season now. We all are big fans of durian and decided to buy some. We ate it in the stalls just like how my mother used to when she was younger. My great-aunt brought some durians home as she decided to make her ever so famous "Bubur Durian". Her "Bubur Durian" is one of my favourite desserts. My uncle cooked that day too and he tried his attempt on chicken curry. Lunch that day was delightful.

                The rest of the days were spent with cooking, more conversations and relaxation. Our trip ended today and I was sad to leave. I certainly cannot wait for my next trip to my hometown again as this would mean fun and another round of relaxation with my loved ones.

 Hope you enjoyed this post, till we meet again in my next post :)

Serena Suresh
Year 7 Gentleness



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