Tuesday 1 November 2016

My Favorite Movie :Miss Peregrines home for peculiar children

                  Miss Peregrines home for peculiar children is my favorite movie. It's about a grandpa named "Abe Portman "  told stories to his 20 year old grandson, Jacob about his childhood; battling monsters and spending part of World War II living at "Miss peregrine's home for peculiar children" by the coast of wales . The home's  residents and their headmistress , Miss Alma Peregrine possess paranormal abilities and are known as "Peculiar". After receiving a frantic phone call from his grandfather, Jake and his drugstore co-worker Shelly rush to Abe's house. In the woods nearby, Jake found his grandfather collapsed with his eye sockets empty, and he tells Jake to find "the bird, the loop and September 3, 1943", before dying. Following the advice of his psychiatrist, Dr. Golan  and finding a letter from Miss Peregrine to Abe, Jake and his father, Frankiln  travel to Wales. Jake explored the island and finds out that the children's home was destroyed during a Luftwaffe raid. As he explores the house, some of the Peculiar Children from Abe's stories greeted him.

                      The children took Jake through a cave and he fond himself in 1943; they took him back to their intact house, where Miss Peregrine greeted him. She explained that she belongs to a class of female Peculiars named "Ymbrynes",  , who have the power to transform into birds (in Miss Peregrine's case, a peregrine falcon) and manipulate time, creating time loops. Miss Peregrine has her loop permanently set to September 3, 1943, in which she and her children hid from the outside world.

                    Jake is introduced to the rest of the children, including aerokinetic Emma Bloom , a 19-year-old girl who is lighter than air, and necromancer Enoch O'Connor . He learns that one of the children, super-strong Victor Bruntley (Louis Davinson), was killed by an invisible monster called a "Hollowgast", or "Hollow".Jake discovered that he himself is a Peculiar; like his grandfather, he can see Hollows. Miss Peregrine explains that Hollows are Peculiars who were transformed by a failed experiment by tapping an Ymbryne's power in hopes of becoming immortals. Led by shapeshifter Mr. Barron ,  they hunt Peculiars to consume their eyeballs enough to became "Wights", visible Peculiars with milky-white eyes. 

                   As Emma is walking Jake back to the cave, they find a wounded Ymbryne named Miss Avocet in avocet bird form. Emma took her to the children's home. Jake discovered another letter from Abe to Miss Peregrine, revealing that Mr. Barron is stalking a time loop at BlackpoolEngland in January 2016 created by Miss Avocet. She revealed to Miss Peregrine, Jake and the children that Barron raided her loop, killed her children and is trying to repeat his experiment with more Ymbrynes. Worried, Miss Peregrine decided to move out with her children and Miss Avocet.

                  Back in 2016, Jake realized earlier that a Hollow might be close when a flock of sheep and a blind old man mysteriously die. Jake went back to the cave to warn his friends, but he's followed by another visitor on the island, ornithologist John Lemmon ,  who went through the loop with him. He transformed into Dr. Golan and revealed to be Mr. Barron. He tried to get information about Miss Peregrine’s loop from Abe, but his Hollow companion Mr. Malthus knocked out Abe before he could answer. He posed as Dr. Golan and encouraged Jake to visited the island, hoping he would guide him to the loop. Taking Jake to the house as a hostage, Barron forces Miss Peregrine to come with him and left her children, Jake and Miss Avocet for their own safety.

              Malthus' "past self" arrived and killed Miss Avocet, but Jake and the children escaped just as the Luftwaffe raid destroys the house and kills Malthus. Without Miss Peregrine, the loop closed, leaving the children and Jake in 1943. Jake and the children traveled on a sunken ocean liner to the Blackpool loop to rescue Miss Peregrine. They used their abilities to fight and kill Barron's Hollow and Wight accompliced Jake frees Miss Peregrine and other captive Ymbrynes. Barron tried to posed as Jake to confused  the children, but when the last remaining Hollow arrived, Jake avoided the Hollow, which killed Barron before being in turn killed by Jake.

            Jake said, "  goodbye" , to the children and returns to the present world in Florida, relenting his adventures to Abe alive and well; Malthus' death erased himself and his murdered of Abe from the future. Abe gave him a map of time loops all over the world, allowing Jake to reunite with his friends again. Jake and Emma confess their feelings for each other and kiss, and Miss Peregrine in peregrine form follows them on their ship, looking for another time loop.

Eunice Teh Ying Yi
5 Patience

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