Wednesday 22 June 2016

Goldilocks and three bears

1.Once upon a time, there were three bears, Father Bear, Mother Bear and Baby Bear.They 
 lived in the wood and were very happy except for one thing, Baby Bear had no-one to play with. 

2  obedience

2.One morning, Mother Bear made porridge for breakfast and while the porridge was cooling down, Father Bear said "Let's go for a walk!" So they did.Somebody else was out for a walk that morning. It was a little girl called Goldilocks. When she came to the bears' house, the door was open and Goldilocks could see three bowls of porridge on the table.


3."Ooh... I'm rather hungry!" said Goldilocks.So she tried the first bowl. It was too hot.
Then she tried the second bowl, that was too cold.Then she tried the third bowl. That was just right. So she ate it all up.


4.Then Goldilocks said, "Ooh... I'm rather tired!" So she went upstairs to have a rest.She tried the first bed, It was too soft.She tried the second bed. Oh no, that was too hard.She tried the third bed. That was just right. So she lay down and fell fast asleep.

Wen Qiang
1 love

5.Soon the three bears came back from their walk, ready for their breakfast.Baby Bear said "Somebody's been eating my porridge and they've eaten it all up!"The three bears went upstairs.Baby Bear said "Somebody's been sleeping in my bed and she's still there.

1 love

6.When Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears she was so surprised she ran straight down the stairs."Don't go!" said Baby Bear, "Stay and play with me! Please!".So Goldilocks stayed and played with Baby Bear and Mother Bear made them all some more delicious porridge.

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