Sunday 26 June 2016

School Holiday

    Last week was a long holiday,I went to Sekinchan with my family.On the way to Senkinchan,i asked my mother'' Are we nearly there?''

    When we reached there,I am so excited to play at the beach.I played sand with my baby cousin at the beach.It was fun playing at the beach.

    To our delight,we ate some fresh seafood,we saw many peoples playing with kites and blew some bubbles.

     Then we were taken to the paddy field section where we saw the process of paddy.After the tedious process of paddy,we finally reached the market where sold some fresh sea foods.

    After that,we bought a lot of fresh sea foods.On the way back home, we chose a nice restaurant to ate our dinner.Those sea foods were very delicious.It was a memorable experience.

By: Felicia Siow Jing Yi
Year 5 Patience

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