Saturday 18 June 2016

My 4D3N camp at Kampar, Perak (HOLIDAYS)

My 4D3N camp is on  28th -31th May ,2016 . The venue is at Kampar , Perak . My family and I left the house  by 10:00am , and we  reach there around 2-3:00 pm . Because we toke two hours droves  to reached to Kampar  . We stopped at a place call "Stream River " to have our delicious lunch .

            After our lunch , My father droves us to a hotel name "Grand Kampar " . We registered our name at the front desk , and the bell boy brought us to our room . We rested and waiting for dinner time .  I had dinner  with my wonderful friends name Mei yen , Zoe , Bryan , Brandon , Jing Xin , Jing Wen . After we finished our dinner , we went  to the hall and have P&W  and after P&W we have kids section . Before we  learnt many story about Genesis chapter 1-12 , we also sang alots of God song i enjoyed singing God song ! and we haved game after everything , the game was  very fun .   Then we finished our claassed and the youth and adults have finished and we have supper time . My dad brought me up to our room  , after 15 minutes we have lights off until the next morning .

           The next morning , i woked up at 7:00 am  . I have a habbit to wake up early .  And i had a delicious breakfast with all my wonderful friends  . After we ate our  breakfast we went up and have P&W and classes . After classed is lunch time , after lunch time we had our sies time . During our siesta time  My friends came to my room , after that we went to another room .  And then we went to all my friends room we're tired . We went back to our own room  to have a catnap . And then we had our dinner together . We went up we thought the hall room was opened and then we found out that the hall isn't  open , We played  chasing  near the hall . One person came up and opened the hall door , and inside the hall is like freezing point. "Arghhhh , so colded  " said  Zoe .  " Are you colded ?" asked Mei yen . "Of course , I'm very cold " answered Hui Yin .  And everyone came in to the hall and we continued our P&W and classes and lights off time too .

          Now is the third day , on the third day my friends and I had a breakfast together . After we ate  our breakfast i asked my friend , " Do you guys want to swim later on ?" " SURE! I want to have a swimming time with my friends !" answered exited Mei yen .  After our swimming we went to bryan room and we watched  "Spider man 2"  and they haved  funs to watched the movie .

       "Ohno today is the last day of camp , i'll be missing this hotel so much !" said Hui yin  . Bryan and his family went back early , because he had another trip to go . When we're in the middle of class one person knock the door and  told our teacher we need to get ready to kept  our stuff and have some sharing after  keeping  our stuff . We toke one hour for our sharing and we had lunch after that . And we went  to some shophouses to buy some snack backed home , we met our teachers . "Do you know where do they sells all the chicken biscuits  ?" said our teacher . "We're finding the shops too. '' answered my dad .  And my dad asked one person where do they sells the chicken biscuits ? The person answered my dad " You walk straight , and you cross the zebra line and the chicken shop is on your left sight ." Then my dad thank to the person  . And we bought some chicken biscuits  back home. And we went  back home sweet home !  I've learnt alot of God's word's , His word's are so wonderful I also enjoyed His song , His song is so lovely and wonderful .

By:Pang Hui Yin
Class: 5 Patince

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