Thursday 23 June 2016

Never Ending Love -short and simple-


      Every day, after I wake up from my sleep, I always pray and thank God. I thank God for giving me another beautiful day to live in and fresh air to breathe in- I thank him for everything. But most importantly I thank him for a beautiful family he gave me 13 years ago. A family that I will never trade for anything. My dad went to the Middle East to work for us and support us in 2014 and ever since then, my mother, my sister and I were always together. We would simply spend the weekends having dinner together or watching an interesting movie.

       We always do everything together. My sister would drive us around. My sister and I sometimes go for breakfast together when my mom would go to work and we would be home, bored and waiting for her to return. We would talk stories, play card games, take pictures or simply just watch a movie- as you can see we love watching movies. My family had always been there for me, no matter what the situation was. My sister was my pillar of strength during my hard times and she always told me to never give up and keep moving on. Not to forget my dad, the guardian of our little family, is always supporting me too. Its not necessary that for a family to be happy and supportive, we always have to be together- I even wrote this in my English writing and I am writing it here again because its true. Sometimes even when families are together, they are not necessarily in the best mood. No matter what happens, i'll always love my family.

Serena Suresh
7 Gentleness

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