Wednesday 8 June 2016


Holiday In Penang

For my school holidays, I went to Penang. It took three hours to get there. A few hours later we reached the longest bridge in Malaysia. On the bridge we saw boats, rocks and some other smaller islands. Then we went to our hotel. Our room was on the 7th flour. Then for our lunch and dinner we ate cha kway tiaw. It was delicious. Then we went to do chan men for my grandfather and great grandfather. The next day, we went to the hotel’s swimming pool. We went to the hotel room and dried ourselves. Then we had breakfast. It was so delicious. For lunch we ate the famous Penang cha kway tiaw again. For dinner I ate white curry mee.  The next day, was the last day for us in Penang. We checked out of the hotel before visiting Uncle Raj. We went to the mall together. Then we went to the “ UPSIDE DOWN MUSEUM”. On the way we saw some street art. We arrived at the “UPSIDE DOWN MUSEUM” and bought tickets to go in. We waited for our turn excitedly. When we went in, everything such as food, clock and dolls were upside down. Then we took pictures like we were standing on walls and ceilings. We eventually bought some food and went home.

Prishaa Chong

3 Joy